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Saltstack is a configuration management tool written in Python and is one of the newer contenders in the space that's been getting good adoption.


  • ZeroMQ is fast, without using SSH to interact with systems
  • OnPremise open-source
  • SaltAPI via CherryPy for extended functionality and automation


  • Set up a SaltMaster
  • Install Salt-Minions
  • Accept salt-minion keys on saltmaster


  • Written in Python
  • Write in YAML
  • Jinja2 templating


  • Easy updates via system package installers
  • Pretty easy to pick up and write states
  • Jinja2 templating provides for a lot of reusability

List Pricing:

  • On-Premise open-source
  • Enterprise/Cloud - $150/machine/year

I've honestly never taken the Enterprise route. For most implementations, the free open-source product will probably suit your needs.


  • Just about every flavor of Linux Operating Systems
  • Windows and MacOS supported


  • Great for Python-centric shops and Jijna2 templating makes reading a breeze for developers that don't use Saltstack day in and day out
  • Saltstack is a big supporter of the DevSecOps flow
  • Plenty of documentation
  • Saltstack formulas provide pre-written states that can be used to automate several tasks
  • Salt-minion requires resources when applying salt states, so it is entirely possible to run out of memory using something like a t2.micro – be careful
  • You need to be pretty explicit with Salt; example, if you want a file in directory /var/www/html/salt you need to actually create the directory first
