2022 guides keyboard image

What you'll need to follow this guide:

  • RDS database (Aurora clusters as well)
  • EC2 instance
  • IAM role & policy


If the nightly backup snapshots are too far apart for your comfort, consider incremental snapshots using AWSCLI, leveraging the instance profile attached to an EC2 instance. We will be creating a snapshot that is 3hours old every 3 hours and replacing the prior snapshot so there is no clutter or pages of snapshots you need to weed through.


More backups to restore from and a shorter RPO (Recovery Point Objective) for those of you who are working on improving your DR game.

Implementation Guide:

IAM Role and Policy

  1. Create the following IAM policy, which we will call rds-snapshots

Be mindful of replacing the following in the policy:

  • the resource names – both a Standalone RDS instance and Aurora RDS Cluster resources are included
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Create the IAM Role, scoped to EC2 trust entity, which we will call rds-snapshots-role and attach the policy we created in the previous step example IAM role screenshot

EC2 Instance and Role Attachment

Launch an EC2 instance and attache the rds-snapshots-role IAM role example ec2 instance with role

Important: If you are attaching the role to an existing instance, you must reboot the instance for the role to apply

AWSCLI and Script

First we install AWSCLI. See Documentation for other install methods. In this example we launched an Ubuntu EC2 instance and will install it with python pip: As the ubuntu user: (drop sudo if you are root user)

  1. install python3 and pip: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y
  2. install AWSCLI: sudo pip install awscli
  3. verify installation: aws --version

Output should be similar to:

aws-cli/1.22.97 Python/3.8.10 Linux/5.11.0-1022-aws botocore/1.24.42
  1. verify IAM role attachment: aws sts get-caller-identity

Output should be similar to:

    "UserId": "ACCESSKEYID:i-07181477952e6d118",
    "Account": "AWSACCOUNTID",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::AWSACCOUNTID:assumed-role/rds-snapshot-role/i-07181477952e6d118"

Next we will create a simple bash script and name it: rds_snapshot.sh Note that the command is different for an aurora cluster vs a standalone RDS instance so uncomment the ones that fits your specific use-case (i.e. the AURORA CLUSTER ONLY or the RDS INSTANCE ONLY ones)


DATE=$(date "+%H") 

#check to see if there is a snapshot
  # aws --region $REGION rds describe-db-cluster-snapshots --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE

  aws --region $REGION rds describe-db-snapshots --db-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE

#if a snapshot does not exist, then create the next snapshot freely
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  # aws --region $REGION rds create-db-cluster-snapshot --db-cluster-identifier $DATABASE_NAME --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE
  aws --region $REGION rds create-db-snapshot --db-instance-identifier $DATABASE_NAME --db-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE

# to avoid clutter, we only want the latest snapshot available and will be throwing away the previous
  echo "snapshot by that name already exists! deleting old first"
  #aws --region $REGION rds delete-db-cluster-snapshot --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE && aws --region $REGION rds create-db-cluster-snapshot --db-cluster-identifier $DATABASE_NAME --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE

  aws --region $REGION rds delete-db-snapshot --db-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE && aws --region $REGION rds create-db-snapshot --db-instance-identifier $DATABASE_NAME --db-snapshot-identifier $DATABASE_NAME-$DATE


Don't forget to chmod +x rds_snapshot.sh script so it has premissions to execute!

Add to Crontab

Add to crontab with crontab -e and insert the following to run every 3 hours on the 10th minute of that hour:

10 */3 * * * /root/crons/rds_snapshot.sh >> /dev/null 2>&1

Script Output

You should see the output of a snapshot being created OR see a snapshot being deleted before being re-created.


You can see that all is working as expected! Below represents a snapshot named after the database name database-1 + the 17th hour (5pm), resulting in database-1-17

That it was created on April 17th is merely a coincidence verifying snapshot


Now you have an automatically created snapshot that is only 3 hours behind if you ever need to restore from it!


  • Adjust the cron to fit your needs, 3 hours seeemed fair for an average but some may need more or less time in between
  • You can adapt this script into a CI pipeline to create backups before something like a database migration
  • Test your backups once in a while from a DR perspective, we do this at least once if not twice a year – there is nothing worse than having useless backups to fail back to and you will be sorely disappointed when you need it most!